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The Devil's Own

Active modder for the Garrysmod Community.
Photoshop Creator - Concept Artist - 3D Maya Modeller
A portfolio created by J-G.

Concept Art

Currently an Active Community Modder for Garrysmod.

Popular Mods

Verdun Weapons

AA-12 Bodygroup

Current Models

Current Work


Apart from being an active modder, I also take classes into 3D modelling which I am quickly adapting for. Besides that, I also create music on my free time and also make different examples of artwork.

About Me


As an avid creator for mods and such, I also enjoy sitting down with friends and family and being an avid gamer on PC and Console. Along with that, I enjoy exploring landmarks across the globe as well as research many historical events ranging from the Industrial Revolution of Great Britain, all the way to present day events.

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